NIDA: Italian Network for the Early Recognition of Autism Spectrum Disorders
About the Study
NIDA was established by the National Institute of Health (ISS) and is an Italian network for the surveillance and assessment of neurodevelopment of high-risk children in the first 36 months of life. Some Italian regions such as Lombardy, Tuscany, Lazio and Sicily take part in the project in order to identify children at risk of autism before the age of two and carry out their timely inclusion in a personalized therapeutic intervention program. The Italian Network for the Early Recognition of Autism Spectrum Disorders (NIDA) currently involves some of the most important Italian clinical and research centers dealing with diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders and fielding a multidisciplinary team composed of neurobiologists, child neuropsychiatrists, psychologists, speech therapists, neuro and psychomotor therapists of developmental age, biostatistics and biomedical engineers. Children are followed from the first days of life through the monitoring of neonatal crying and spontaneous motor skills, the study of the interaction and social communication of the child with an adult in his natural environment and the assessment of cognitive, linguistic, adaptive development and social and communicative.
Contact: Federica D'acunto Andrea Guzzetta